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From the Earliest Time to the Present; Together with Interesting Biographical Sketches, Keminiscences, Notes, etc.







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OUR history of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Counties, after months of persistent, conscientious labor, is now completed. Every important field of research has been minutely scanned by those engaged in its preparation, and no subject of universal public value has been omitted save where protracted effort failed to secure trustworthy results. The impossibility of ingrafting upon the pages of this volume the vast fund of the county's historic information, and the proper omission of many value- less details, have compelled the publishers to select such matters as are deemed of the greatest importance. Fully aware of our inability to fur- nish a perfect history from meagei- public documents, inaccurate private correspondence, and numberless conflicting traditions, we make no preten- sion of having prepared a work devoid of blemish. Through the courtesy and the generous assistance met with everywhere, we have been enabled to rescue from oblivion the greater portion of important events that have trans- pired in past years. We feel assured that all thoughtful peoj)le in the counties, at present and in future, will recognize and appreciate the impor- tance of the undertaking and the great public benefit that has been accom- plished.

It will be observed that a dry statement of fact has been avoided, and that the rich romance of border incident has been woven with statistical details, thvis forming an attractive and graphic narrative, and lending beauty to the mechanical execution of the volume and additional value to it as a work for perusal. We claim superior excellence in our systematic manner of collecting material by workers in specialties; in the division of the sub- ject matter into distinct and appropriate chapters; in the subdivision of the individual chapters into sub-heads, and in the ample and comprehensive index. We also, with pride, call the attention of the public to the superb mechanical execution of the volume. While we acknowledge the existence of unavoidable errors, we have prepared a work fully up to the standard of our promises, and as accurate and comprehensive as could be expected under the circumstances.

November, 1884. THE PUBLISHERS.





Geology 11

Blind Fishes 2.3

Blue Spring Cave 21

Chester Formation, The 13

Connelly Cave 21

Coal-Measures, The 13

Connelly Hill 21

Donnelson Cave 23

Details around Bono 23

Dry Cave 19

Dunihue Cave 16

Details at Springville 17

Economic Considerations 26

Fossils, The 14

Features at Fayetteville 19

Formations Around Mitchell 21

Geological Section, The 12

GrinstaflF Cave 18

Hamer Cave 22

Hematite Deposits, The 25

Kaolin Mines, The 24

Keokuk Bed.s, The 14

Knohstone Shales, The 15

Lime Interests, The 22

Mineral Springs 26

Measurements at Leesville 24

Millstone Grit, The 13

Perpendicular Sections 17

Strata near Huron 20

Surface Features 11

St. Louis Limestone, The 13

St. Louis Chert Beds, The 15

Shiloh Cave 18

Spurgeon Hill Fossils, The 17

Section at Fort Ritner 24

White River Hills, The 20


Indians and Mound Builders 27

Aboriginal Names 29

Battle of Tippecanoe, The 27

Cession Treaties, The 27

Capture of Guthrie, The 31

Connelly Mounds, The .32

Contents of the Mounds 32

English Land Companies, The 28

Flinn Tragedy, The 31

Fisherman, The 33

Indian Boundary Lines 28

Indian Tribes 28

Lawrence County Tribes, The 29

Mounds. The 32

Piankeshaws, The 29

Pierre, The Death of. 30

Prehistoric People 31

Palestine Mounds, The 32

Eawlinses, The 30


Settlement of the County 34

Anecdotes 48

Avoca 45

Blue-Grass Crop, The First.. 50


Bono Township 41

Catalogue of Pioneers 35

Counterfeiters 57

Carding Mills, etc 47

Dixon ville 64

Distilleries 37

Elections. Industries, etc 54

Ferries, The 61

Guthrie-Flinn Settlement, The 35

Grist-Mills, etc .36

Guthrie Township , 62

Hamer's Mill 39

Hunting Exploits 40

Immigration, The Early 34

Industries, etc 43

Indian Creek Township 48

Leesville Settlement, The 34

Land Entries, The Early 41

Manufactures 51

Marion Township 37

Marshall Township 43

Merchants 44

Names of Settlers 38

Other Industries 40

Origin of Name 59

Officers, Mills, etc ,. 59

Perry Township 46

Pleasant Run Township 55

Patents of Land 42

Salt Wells 52

Shawswick Township 58

Second Settlement, The 42

Spice Valley Township 53

Taverns, Stores, etc 52

Township Officers 50


Organization of the County 64

Agricultural Societies, The 88

Act of Creation, The 64

Auditors 87

Asylums, The l^oor 82

Associate Judges 87

Boundary Alterations 65

Bedford Court House, The First 78

Bedford &. Bloomfield Railway 96

County Before its Formation, The 66

County Board, The 67

County Agent, The 74

Court House, The Present 80

County Commissioners, The 85

Clerks 87

County Politics 99

County Bridges 97

County Fiuauces 93

Coroners 88

Fair, The First 90

Finances of the Societies 91

Important Proceedings 69

Incidents of the Re-loeation 73

Items of Interest 74

Jail of 1829, The 79

Jail of 1858, The 79

Justices of the Peace 84

Libraries, The 81

Medical Societies, The 98

Palestine 68

Palestine Court House, The 77




Palestine Jail, The 78

Probate Judges 87

Population of theCounty 96

Report of the Locating Commissioners 67

Report of the County Agent 69

Re-location of the County Seat 70

Report of the Re-location 72

Representatives 86

Reorjjanization of the Society, The 90

Recorders 87

Railroad Projects 96

School Funds, Origin of the 83

Senators 86

School Examiners 86

Sherifls 87

Surveyors 88

Treasurers 87


Bench and Bar 103

Attorney, The First Resident 108

Attorneys, Professional Character of. 112

Arson, The First Case of 113

Admission of Practitioners 116

Blackwell vs. The Board of Justices 116

Circuit Court, The First 104

Court at Palestine, The First 107

Court Terms, Meaning of. 107

Care of the Records ^ Ill

Court Officers 114

Character of Mr. Dunn 118

Courts Under the New Constitution 122

Court House, Dedication of the 124

Common Pleas Court 127

Divorce Cases 124

Eminent Men 117

Judges, The First 103

Judge Johnson 106

Judge Wick 110

Judge Ross 113

Juries; "Unable to Agree" 115

Kress vs. Fellows 120

Lost Records 106

Lash, The Sentence of the 108

Larceny Case, The First 109

Murder, First Indictment for 121

Moody vs. Jones 124

;Murder of Carney 125

ISIorrow-Christopher Case, The 125

Narrow Gauge Railroad Cases 126

Ottences, Character of 105

Observations 127

Phillis, The Slave 105

Practitioners, The Court 121

Slander Suits 110

State vs. Hitchcock, Murder 123

State vs. Brannan, Murder 123

State vs. Saunders, Murder 123


Towns of the County 128

Additions to Bedford 144

Additions to Mitchell 156

Asheries at Bedford 135

Bedford, Town of. 131

Banking Establishments 141

Bedford School Bonds 1.50

Bryan tsville 169

Bedford Stone Works 155

Bedford During the Thirties 134

Bedford, Early Merchants of 133

Bedford, First Residents of 132

Cotton Factory at Bedford 135

Decay of Palestine 131

Distilleries of Bedford 134

Exchange of Lots 132

Fayetleville 173

Finances of Bedford 146

Fort Ritner 168

Growth of Palestine 129

Heltonville 171

Incorporation of Bedford 144

Incorporation of Mitchell 156

Incorporation of Palestine 130

Lawrenceport 165

Limekilns near Mitchell 159


Leesville 172

Lots in Palestine 1.30

Liquor Sales in Bedford 133

Mitchell 155

Merchants of Palestine 129

Manufacturers of Bedford, Early 134

Merchants of the Forties '. 137

Manufacturers of Palestine 130

Merchants of the Fifties 138

Manufactures, The Later 140

Officers of Bedford 147

Press of Bedford, The 153

Press of Mitchell, The 157

Present Business of Bedford 139

Present Business of Mitchell 163

Palestine, Town of. 128

Pork Packing at Bedford 136

Petition vs. the Sale of Liquor 137

Secret Societies of Bedford 142

Secret Societies of Mitchell 159

Sale of Lots in Bedford 132

Selection of Bedford Site 131

Springville 169

Silverville...... 174

Town of Bono 164

Town of Huron 168

Tunnelton 167

Town of (Uithrie 171

Town of Liberty 174

Tanneries at Bedford 135

Villages, Several Small 174

Woolen Factory 135


Military History 175

Barbecues, The Welcoming 178

Buena Vista, Battle of 177

Bounty and Relief 195

Catalogue of Mexican Soldiers 179

Draft of October, 1862, The 189

Drafts of 1864 and 1865, The 193

Eighteenth Regiment, The 183

Fort Sumter, Surrender of 181

Fifteenth Regiment, The 182

Fiftieth Regiment, The 186

Fourth Cavalry, The 187

Last Call, The 192

Lawrence County Legion 192

Militia, The 175

Mexican War, The 176

Miscellaneous Elnlistments 186

Minute Men, The 189

Military Credits, Official 194

Men Furnished, Summary of 194

Other Companies 188

One Hundred Days' Men, The 191

Public Feeling in 1861 181

Personalia 195

Springville Company, The First 185

Sixty-seventh Regiment, Tlie 186

Six Mouths' Men, The 190

Twenty first Regiment, The 183

Twenty-fourth Regiment, The 183

Twenty-seventh Regiment, The 184

Thirteenth Cavalry, The 101

Utah War, The 180

Volunteers, The First 182

Volunteers of 1864 190


Religious History 200

Bedford Church Buildings 200

Baptist Society, Bedford 205

Bethlehem Presbyterian Church 208

Baptist Church, Mitchell 211

Baptist Society, Leesville 214

Baptist Church, Springville 217

Bono Presbyterian Church 218

Christian Society, Bedford 203

Christian Ministers, Bedford 204

Christian Churches in the County 205

German Methodists, Bedford 206

Gullett's Creek Church 214

Guthrie Creek Baptists 219

Guthrie Township Churches 215

Heltonville Baptists 216




Indian Creek Township Churches 221

Leatherwood Christian Church 209

Methodists at Bedford, The 201

Methodist Church, Mitchell 210

Methodists at Lawrenceport 217

Mt. Olive Christians -19

New Union Christian Church 219

Presbyterians at Bedford 200

Pleasant Grove Baptists 220

Presbyterian Ministers, Bedford 201

Pleasant Run Township Churches 215

Presbyterian Church, Mitchell 211

Pleasant Hill Methodists 222

Quaker Churches, The 217

St. Vincent Catholics, Bedford 207

Salt Creek Baptists 208

Spice Valley Baptists 21-

Shiloh Methodist Church 221

Spring Creek Baptists 214

Springville Methodist Church 216

Sugar Creek Church 218

Springville Christians 217

White River Union Church 222


Educational History 223

Bedford Schools 231

County Seminary, The 231

Enrollment at Bedford 236

Educational Statistics 225

Enumeration at Bedford 237

Education in Flinn Township 226

Graded Schools, Mitchell 228

Geological Cabinet, The 237

High School, Bedford 233

Institutes 237

Langdon.the Monk 223

Marion Township Schools 225

Mitchell Schools, The 227

Mitchell Seminary, The ■• 227

Pioneer Schoolhouse, A 224

School, The First 223

School, The Second 223

School, The Third 224

Shawswick Township Schools 226

Southern Indiana Normal School 229

Select Schools at Bedford 233

Teachers of Indian Creek 224

Teaching in Pleasant Run 226

Trustees of Schools 234

Teachers of Bedford 235

Zoological Cabinet, The 237



Bono Township 339

Flinn Township 343

Guthrie Township 347

Indian Creek Township 306

Marshall Township 350

Marion Township 277

Perry Township 315

Pleasant Run Township 324

Shawswick Township 241

Spice Valley Township 331




Geology 355

Alluvium or Lacustral 364

Argillaceous Limestone, The 358

Bituminous Limestones, The, 358

Building Stone, The Best 367

Carboniferous Period 356

Cherts, The St. Louis 357

Chester Group 356

Concretionary Limestone, The 359


Clays, The Local 367

Coal of the County 366

Caverns, Siibterranean Streams, Etc 364

Chemical Analysis 366

Firestones, The 356

Fossils, Catalogue of 356

French Lick Springs 365

Grit, The Chester 363

Iron Ores, The 366

Limestones, The St. Louis 357

Local Sections 361

Lime, The Burningof 367

Millstone Grit, The 363

Quaternary Age 356

Rocks of the County 356

St. Louis Group 357

Section at Lost River " Sink " 359

Sandstones, The Chester 362

Stampers Creek Sink 364

Sinks of Lost River 364

Woods, The Native 355

West Baden Springs 365

Whetstones and Grindstones 367


Indians and Mound Builders 368

Aboriginal Occupancy 369

Boundary Lines 369

Catholic Missions, The 368

Cession Treaties, The 370

Charles, The Killing of 372

Camping Grounds 372

English Policy, The 368

Indian Tribes, The 369

Indians, Removal of 373

Indian Trails 372

Maxwell's Fort 370

Mound Builders, The 373

Moore's Fort 370

Other Earthworks 375

Piankeshaws, The 369

Paoli Fortification, The 374

Shawnee Village, The 370

Vest, The Killing of 371

Valeene Fortification, The 375

Wilson, The Massacre of 371


Settlement OF the County 376

Anecdotes of the Chase 382

Bear Stories 404

Comparison of Past and Present 381

Criminal Occurrences 395

Catalogue of Settlers 406

Distilleries 407

Deer Hunting 396

Early Industrial Enterprises 401

French Lick Township 390

French Settlement, The 390

Greenfield Township 399

Horse-Mills, Etc 403

Industries, Etc 387

Incidents, Etc 406

Jackson Township 397

Land Entries 376

Law-breakers 398

Land Patents 400

Mills, Industries, Etc 380

Mills, Orleans Township 384

Manufactures 397

Milk Sickness 404

Merchants, Mechanics, etc 409

Northwest Township 387

Northeast Township 408

Orleans Township 382

Officers, etc 377

Orangeville Township 386

Pioneers 392

Paoli Township 379

Postotlices, Stores, etc 389

Saline Reserves, The 391

Springs, The Mineral 393

Southeast Township 402

Settler, The First 402

Stampers Creek Township 405

Tanneries, Mills, Etc 409




Underground Railroad 385

Voters, Paoli Township 378

Voters, Orleans Township 383

Vigilance Committees 404

Whetstones 395

Wild Hogs 386

Wilson, The Bear Hunter ,. 388


Organization of Orange County 410

Appointment of Students 416

Act of Creation 411

Agricultural Societies, The 431

Associate .Tudges 437

Auditors, List of 440

Bonds and Bridges 417

County Before Formation, The 410

County Commissioners. List of 437

County Otlicers, The Fir.st 412

County Board, The 412

Conscientious Citizens 415

Commissioners' Districts 416

Court House, The First 421

Circuit Judges, List of 437

Common PleasJudges 437

Clerks, List of 439

Coroners, List of 439

Exclusion of Negroes 441

Formation of Townships 413

Financial Exhibit 417

First Fair, The 432

Graveled Road, The 424

Highways, The 423

Important Proceedings 415

Jail, The First 422

Justices of the Peace 436

Libraries, The 427

Later Fairs 434

Medical Societies, The 431

Navigable Streams 425

Officers of Townships 414

Public Buildings, The Present 422

Paupers, The 426

Poor-farm, The 426

Population of the County 427

Patrons of Husbandry 430

Prof. Wilbur, Death of. 435

Probate Judges 437

Politics 440

Presidential Elections 442

Railroads 428

Railway Projects 429

Representatives 438

Recorders 439

Seat of Justice, Land 419

School Funds, The 430

Second Fair, The 433

Second Agricultural Society , 484

Senators 438

Surveyors 439

School Officers 440

Sherilis 440

Soldiers' Bounty 417

Tavern Charges 414

Turnpike, The New Albany..., 424

Treasurers 439


Bench and Bar 446

Associate Judges, The Earliest 450

Assault, Cases of 453

Attorneys, List of 457

Arson, etc.. Cases of. 460

Additional Attorneys 460

Bunger Homicide, The 448

Bowles-Newby Suit, The 455

Baker, Payne and Throop 462

Bounty Cases, The 471

Bowles Divorce Case, The 467

Circuit Court, The First 446

Character of Cases 448

Counterfeiting 450

Court Officers 454

Character of Judge Floyd 451

Common Pleas Court, The 469

Death of Henry Wires 466


First Court at Paoli 448

(iilliland Homicide, The 454

(iraud Jury, The First 446

Hampton-Henley Murder, The 464

Judge Simpson 461

Judges Otto and Hicknell 466

James Tyler, Death of. 471

Lindley-Chess Slander, The 449

Legal Requirements 458

Later Attorneys 465

Lindley-Craveus Case, The 456

Memorial Resolutions 461

( (ther Supreme Court Cases 458

Practitioners at the Bar 451

Porter-Hoggatt Controversy, The 453

Parish-McCart Murder, The 464

Prayer, The IMorniug 449

Probate Court, The 468

Professional Character of Attorneys 452

Sundry Criminal Cases 457

Sheriff" Outwitted, The 450

Supreme Court Case, The First 454

Seybold Murder, The 470

Slavery in Orange County 463

Thomas Moody, Death of 469

Vail-Holmes Murder, The 447

Watkins-Foster Murder, The 466

Woodwards, The Murder of the 468


Towns of Orange Codnty 472

Acts of Paoli Trustees 483

American Eagle,The 489

Artisans, etc 474

Business Men of the Forties 478

Business Men of the Fifties 478

Business Men of the Sixties 479

Bank of Paoli, The 480

County Agent, The 473

Chambersburg 506

Families, The Earliest Resident 473

French Lick 505

Grain Trade at Paoli 476

Grist-mills, Saw-mills, etc 477

Greenback Advocate, The 491

Growth of Orleans, The 492

Hogs, Packing of at Paoli 477

Incorporation of Paoli, The First 482

Incorporation of Paoli, The Second 482

Incorporation of Orleans 494

Liquor at Paoli 474

Lancaster Station 505

Live Stock Trade at Paoli 476

Merchants at Paoli 474

Manufactures at Paoli 475

Merchants of Orleans 493

Mills of Orleans 493

Millersburg 507

Newspapers at Paoli 488

Newton Stewart 499

New Prospect 506

Orangeville 502

Orleans Agricultural Society 499

Orleans School Bonds 496

Officers of Orleans 495

Orleans, Town of 491

Plat of Orleans, The First 492

Present Business Men, Orlean* 494

Pittsburg 502

Physicians at Orleans 498

Paoli, Town of 472

Postmasters at Paoli 479

Paoli Town Officers 484

Present Business Men, Paoli 491

Railroad at Orleans, The 498

Resources and Liabilities 481

Press of Orleans 497

Republican, The 490

Refunding of the Bonds 4S5

Site of Paoli 472

Saxe Horn Band at Paoli 479

Stockholders ot Paoli Bank 481

School Bonds, etc 483

Streets, The (irading of. 485

Secret Societies of Paoli 486

Secret Societies of Orleans 496




Tobacco Factory at Paoli 477

Temperance Question, The 479

True American, The 488

Union and News 490

Union ville 501

Valeene 504


Military History of Orange County 508

Aid Societies 529

Arrest of Dr. Bowles 529

Bounty and Relief 528

Bivins' Company • 520

Company of Capt. Bowles 509

Company, The First 513

Draft of October, X862, The 522

Disloyaltv in 18(i3 522

Drafts of l.SM and 18G.5 526

Extracts from Editorials 511

Forty-ninth Regiment 517

Fifty-third Regiment 518

Fifty-ninth Regiment 519

Home Guards 513

Militia System, The 508

Mexican War, The 509

Mass Meeting, The First 511

Ninety-third Regiment 521

Opposition to the War 529

One Hundred and Thirty-ftrst Regiment 525

Public Feeling in 18(il 510

Payne's Company 520

Roll of Mexican Soldiers 510

Raid ot (ien. Morgan 524

Ritter's Company 517

Reeves' Company 519

Raid of Capt. Hines 523

Recruits of 1862 521

Recruits of 1864 525

Spicely's Company 515

Swift's Company 521

Statistical Tables, Official 526

Sixty-sixth Regiment 520

Summary of Men Furnished 527

Twenty-fourth Regiment 514

Thirty-eighth Regiment 516

Union Mass Meetings 513

Volunteers, The First 512

Volunteers, Fiftieth Regiment 518

Williams' Company 515

War, Commencement of 512


Religious History op Orange County 530

Ames' Chapel, Methodist 540

Baptist Church, Paoli 533

Baptist Ministers, Paoli 533

Beech Church, Quakers 534

Baptists at Orleans 537

Cane Creek Christian Church 540

Christian Church, Unionville 541

Faucett's Chapel 539

French Lick Methodists 540

Liberty Christian Church 544-

Lick Creek Quakers 533

Methodists at Paoli 530

Methodists of Chambersburg 534

Methodist Ministers, Paoli 531

Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church 534

Members at Paoli 532

Ministers at Chambersburg 534

Methodists of Orleans 534

Missionary Baptists, Orleans 537

Newbury Quakers, The 534

Orleans Presbyterian Church 536

Orangeville Mission, The 538

Orleans Christian Church 538

Orangeville Methodists, The 539

Old School Baptists 542

Presbyterians of Paoli 531

Preaching at Orleans, First 535

Presbyterian Ministers, Paoli .532

Providence Baptist Church 541

Pleasant Valley Missionary Baptists 544

Pleasant drove Baptists 544

Rock Spring Baptists, Southeast 541


Stampers Creek United Brethren .')43

Sunday-schools at Orleans 536

Scarlet Ridge Methodists 540

Trustees at Orleans, Methodist 536

United Brethren of Chambersburg 535

United Brethren, Unionville 541

United Brethren of Valeene 543

Valeene Methodists 543

Valeene Christian Church 543

Wesley Chapel, Orangeville 539


Educational History 545

Atkinson's School, The 546

Academy, The Orleans 558

County Teachers' Institute 575

Course of Study, (Jommon Schools 574

County Seminary, The 548

Congressional Fund 572

Diplomas Granted 575

French Lick Schools 561

Grading of the Course 565

Greenfield Township Schools 565

Jackson Township Schools 563

Lady Teachers, The First 546

Lectures on Educational Subjects 576

Normal Teachers 553

Northeast Township Schools 553

Orleans Town Schools 556

Orangeville Township Schools 558

Patrons, P.aoli Township 545

Paoli Town Schools 548

Pioneer Schools, Definition of 571

Quackenbush School, The 546

Session of 1884, Institute 577

Schools of Paoli Township 545

Seminary Teachers, The 549

Southern Indiana Normal School 552

Sale of the Seminary 551

Schools of Orleans Township 5.55

Schools of Northwest Township 560

Southeast Township Schools 566

Stampers Creek Teachers 568

Sale of School Land 571

Trustees of Paoli Township 547

Township Institutes 574

Text-books, The Early 573

Taxation for Education 573

Vote on the Common School System 574



French Lick Township 641

Greenfield Township 647

Jackson Township 653

Northwest Township 657

Northeast Township 632

Orangeville Township 652

Orleans Township 604

Paoli Township 579

Southeast Township 617

Stampers Creek Township 662




Geology 667

Boundary of the County 667

Blue-grass Land 667

Bottoms and Uplands 667

Cement Rock 671

Clays for Bricks, Tiling, etc 671

Chemical Constituents 673

Caves and Passages 672

Coal Deposits 672

Fossils at Paynter's Hill 670

Formation of Caves 673



Knobstone Group, The 668

" Knobs," The 668

Lime, Burning of. 671

Metals, The Precious 672

Mineral Springs 673

Names of Townships 667

Oolitic Limestone 670

Quarries, The 670

Rocky Outcrops, The 668

Streams of the County 668

Sulphuret of Iron 669

Spurgeon Hill Fossils, The <% 669

Sandstone for Building 670

Rand and Gravel 671

Timber, Saw-mills, etc 674


Indians and Mound Builders 675

Block-houses, The 679

Border Scouts, The „ 680

Capture of Jimmy and Johnny 677

Domain of the Miamis 675

Death of Jimmy 678

Death of Zink 680

Family of "Old Ox," The 677

B'orts, etc.. The e. 679

Horse-stealing, etc 677

Indian Inhabitants, The 675

Indian Stories 681

Mounds and Their Contents, The 681

Massacre of the Solidas 678

Militia Companies, The 676

"Permitted" Tribes 675

Pursuit of the Indians 677

Pigeon Roost Massacre, The 679

Return of Johnny, The 678

Rangers of 1812, The 676

Villages of Indians 676


Settlement op Washington County 682

Anecdotes, Interesting Early 704

Brown Township 687

Beck's Mills 695

Bear, Adventure with a 695

Business in Franklin Township 701

Catalogue of Old Settlers 683

Callaway and the Bear 684

Country Industries 684

Courting Under Difficulties 689

Cubs, Capture of Six 691

Cloth from Nettles 696

Cave, Adventure in a 696

• Counterfeiters .-. 703

Deer Story, A 691

Distilleries, etc., Gibson 699

Enterprises in Monroe 702

Enochs and the Bear 693

Franklin Township 700

Gibson Township 699

Hammersly and the Bear 688

Howard Township 094

Industries, Jackson Township 691

Industries, Polk Township 697

Jackson Township 690

Jeffer.«on Township 691

Lifting Match, A 693

Manufacturing Undertakings 692

Mother Bear and Cubs, A 701

Monroe Township 701

Mills of Monroe 702

Madison Township 704

McKinney and the Bear? 705

Madison Township Mills, etc 7u5

Posey Township 685

Panther, Fight with a 689

Pierce Township 695

Postotfices, Stores, etc., Polk 698

Pioneer Pursuits 698

Polk Township 697

Present Business Industries 703

(Juiltings and Corn-huskings 687

Railway Disaster, A Dreadful 685

Squatters of 1800, The 682

Saline Reserves 685

^^^^^^ PAGE.

Stores, Postoffice, etc riTT^TmTTrr'. 693

Silk Manufacture 696

Township Industries 686

Vernon Township 698

Violations of Law 700

Washington Township 662


Organization of Washington County 706

Agricultural Societies, The 725

As.sociation of 1881 726

Auditors, List of 723

Associate Judges 724

Act of Creation, The 706

Asylum, The Poor ,. 714

Boundary Alterations 709

Bridge Fund , 718

County Before Creation, The 706

County Board, The First 708

Coroners, List of. 724

County Revenue, etc 711

Clerks, List of 728

County Commissioners 722

County Officers, The First 707

' Finances of the County 715

Important Acts of the Board 708

Justices of the Peace 719

Laying Out of Salem 707

Later Events of Interest 711

Medical Society, The 724

New Townships 712

Population of the County 713

Plank Road Companies 719

Presidential Elections 728

Present Finances 718

Paupers of the County 713

Probate Judges 724

Politics of the County 727

Reformation of Townships 710

Representatives 720

Railroads, The Building of. 727

Recorders, List of. 723

School Funds, Origin of. 715

Senators, List of.... 721

Sheriffs , 723

Surveyors 724

School Officers 722

Treasurers 723

Townships, The First 708

War, Acts During the 712


Bench and Bar 732

Attorneys, The First 733

Buildings, The First 734

Court Officers i 734

Circuit Court, The First 732

Courts Under the Constitution 736

Contempt of Court 738

Character of Crime 746

Catalogue of Attorneys 749

Court Districts... 750

Death of Delos HefFren 753

Death of Varis, Mysterious 751

" Fist and Skull " Age, The 737

Feasances, The 739

Grand Jury, The First 733

Grave Robbing 740

Gollahan Murder, The 755

Housh-Berky Homicide, The 743

Indictments, The First 733

Judges, The First 732

Knowles-Linn Forgery, The 756

Larceny Case, A Notable 735

Lash, Sentence of the 740

Later Members of the Bar 749

Mingo, The Slave 736

Murder, First Indictments for ' '0


Mauslanghter of Johnson, The

Practitioners, The Early j

Pearson Homicide, The 743

Professional Character of Lawyers 745

Revolutionary Soldiers 741

Rape, First Case of 742




Sundry Crimes 754

Two Important Cases 750

Trespass vi el armis 739

Unfortunate Conviction of Brown 748

Wood-Kepley Murder Case, The 746

Wright Brothers, The 739


Towns of Washington County 757

Additions torfalem 759

Buildings, Early Public 764

Banking Enterprises....; 770

Benevolent Societies 774

Cholera, Ravages of the 768

Capture of Salem 772

Campbellsburg 779

Canton 781

Claysville 792

Diplomacy of Mrs. Lindley 758

Fire of 1874, The Big 773

Fire Department, The 773

Fredericksburg 786

"Grocers," The Earlv 763

Gold Excitement, The 771

Grading the Streets, etc 774

Hotel Rates Established 762

Hattery, Tobacco-shops, etc 764

HardinsDurg 785

Harristown 792

Hitchcock 792

Incorporation of Salem 767

Jail, The County 775

Later Business Men ; 771

Livonia 783

Little York 788

Merchants of Salem 760

Manufacturers of Salem 761

Martinsburg 782

Mount Carmel 792

New Albany A Salem Railroad 770

New Philadelphia 790

Newspapers of Salem 776

Progress of Invention 7.57

Prominent Men of Salem 765

Pekin, Village of. 790

Residents of Salem, The First 759

Salem Town Site 758

Salem Library Association 767

School Buildings, The 772

Salem in 1884 775

Salem Prew.The 1 779

Saltilloville 789

South Boston 791

Smedley, Farabee, etc 793

Woolen Mill, The 761

Washington Democrat, The 778


Military History 793

Aid Societies 814

Bounty and Relief. 814

Basket Dinner, A 807

Banta's Company 807

Draft of October, 1862, The 808

Drafts of 1864 and 1865 813

Editorial Extracts 797

Eighteenth Regiment, The 803

Enlistment in 1864, The 812

Fort Sumter, Fall of. 798

First Company, The 800

Fiftieth Regiment, The 805

Joy and Sorrow 815

Militia, The Old State 793

Mexican War, The 794

Muster Roll, The 794

Mass Meetings 801

Morgan's Raid 810

MinuteMen, The 811

Military Arrests 812

Men Furnished, Number of 814

One Hundred and Forty-fourth Regiment.... 813

Other Volunteers 804

Public Sentiment in 1861 - 796

Return of the Mexican Soldiers , 795

Recruiting '. 804

Redfleld's Company 805


Recruiting Committees 811

Statistical Tables, Official 813

Second Mexican Company, The 795

Second Companv, The 803

Sixteenth Regiment, The 806

Six Months' Company, The 811

Thirteenth Regiment, The 800

Third Company, The 804

Ultra Political Views 806

War Begun 799

War Meetings 801


Religious History 816

Blue River Baptist Church 816

Baptists, The Regular 822

Bethlehem Church, The 827

Christian Church, The 817

Catholic Church. The 818

Covenanters, The .". 829

Church Statistics "832

Division of the Quakers 820

Hicksites, The 819

Highland Creek Meeting, The 821

Hebron Church 823

Indian Missions 820

Lick Creek Meeting, The 821

Lost River Church 823

Lutherans, The 830

Ministers and Members 817

Mt. Pleasant Meeting, The 822

Many Church Organizations 824

Methodists, The 830

Presbyterian Church, Tne 825

Quakers, The 819

Salem Presbyterians, The 826

Salem Methodists, The 831

Sluder's Meeting-house 817

United Brethren, The 830

Walnut Ridge Church, The 828


Educational History 833

Age, The Twine Binding 833

Blue River Academy, The 838

Brown Township Schools 843

Correction, Old Method of 834

Catalogue of Teachers 840

Friends' School, The 837

Franklin Township Schools 847

Gibson Township Schools 848

Howard Township Schools 845

Jetferson Township Schools 843

Jackson Township Schools 846

Literary Societies, The 842

Monroe Township Schools....* 842

Madison Township Schools 844

Posey Township Schools 845

Present Private Schools, The 849

Polk To^frnship Schools 847

Pioneer Schoolhouse, A 838

Pierce Township Schools 846

Professional Teachers 837

Salem Grammar School ." 836

Salem Female Collegiate Institute 837

Student's Rebellion, The 841 '

Salem Graded School 839

Teachers, Character of. 835

Vernon Township Schools 844

Washington Township Teachers 834



Brown Township 881

Franklin Township 913

Gibson Township 916

Howard Township 927

Jetferson Township 899

Jackson Township 921

Madison Township 918

Monroe Township 904

Pierce Township 892

Posey Township 885

Polk Township 907

Vernon Township 931

Washington Township , 851


History of Lawrence County.